This is a new venture intended to provide a Full Gospel believer's perspective on art, film and, in particular, literature. I've been blessed to have had the opertunity to study literary criticism and computer science at Evangel University. You may never have Heard of her but she is a school with the academic rigor to have metriculation agreements and even partner in cooperative degree program with Washington University, one of the most academically rigorous and prestigious schools you may never have heard of.
Enough about my qualifications and on to the purpose. This blog, Library Secular, an oblique reference to the secular clergy of the Full Gospel movement, is intended to provide content ananlysis and creative criticism. This means that the literary quality, photography and filmation (where applicable), and moral or ethical themes will be sifted and reported as faithfully as possible.
I will primarily focus on SF&F (Science Fiction and Fantasy) because this is an area that is generally panned by believers out of a knee jerk reaction to worldly content. This is, in my opinion, a mistake since most of the philosophy of the Modern and Post Modern West has been encapsulated in this sort of genre' fiction. Mark Twain speaks to the ethics of more people than the heady cerebral pennings of De Carte or Nietzhe. I have some background in fine art so we may stray there, as well as music and anything else that has an impact on popular culture, but my focus will be to equip you with the tools to approach the world of popular fiction with open eyes and sound reason, without the knee jerk reaction that ignorance can breed.
If you are a believer with a desire to braoden your literary interests beyond the safe world of "Christian" literature or an industry professional seeking to reach rather than alienate the moral and ethically conservative believer, then you are my audience. What I say here may be hard. hard for readers as well as pros. But it will be reasoned and in keeping with my understanding of Biblical values. So hang on and hopefully this will be entertaining and informative and above all fun.
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